Bow Tie

Bow Tie
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homemade Halloween Costumes 2ninjas-3

Shane: Red Black Gold Brock: Grey, Red, Silver
These ninjas are proud warriors when they suit up!

Being a quilter has allowed me to explore the world of novice costume designer. Last Halloween I added some fur to the bottom of some jeans and the flap of a button up shirt, and took gloves added fur and claws to create a teen-wolverine. Also I created a Zorro costume by free motion quilting with metallic thread two pieces of black fabric creating a cape. Finishing the look with a black cowboy hat black mask black button down, and flashy boots!
Creating the 2-ninjas was a little more creating and sewing. Start off with underarmer! To keep the kids warm not only on Halloween but it can be used throughout the winter season. bonus!! Measure first from the hips over the shoulder to the buttocks. That will be the length of the poncho. Measure from solder to solder that is the width of the poncho. Fold the fabric in 1/2. cut out the 1/2 teardrop shape for the head hole. slim off the back to a flat bottom and the front to a diamond. Top stitch ribbon on all raw edges. The belt is a holster for their ninja knives and throwing blade. On the back of the poncho there is a place to holster the ninja sword. The swords and knives are wrapped with the same gold or silver as the boys costumes not only to look fab, but also to know which weapon belongs to which kid. The gold and silver ribbons will be wrapped down their arms and legs.
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